Tuesday, April 3, 2012





In this blog i will summarize the contents of a video called ''FARM TO FRIDGE'' by Mercy For Animals. You can watch the 4 minute video (here).Ironically the video is called ''farm to fridge’’. The ironic about the title is that you don't actually see any farms. What you see in this video is large factories concentrating and raising animals in large spaces, treating them with such cruelty and barbarity that could be shocking. The vast majority of meat, dairy, and eggs come from high-volume factory farms and slaughterhouses, to meet US demand of 9 billion land animals per year. Many of the cruelties, such as grinding up newborn male chicks at hatcheries or cramming pigs are taking place in those farm-factories.

Chickens and turkeys are confined by large numbers in small areas. This means that they do not have enough air and they are not exercising. Sometimes this unorthodox way is making animals sick. Sick animals have their neck broken or killed with a club. Because male chicks don’t lay eggs they are thrown into large grinding machines hours after their hatch. Chicken’s beaks are cut off with a hot blade so that they don’t hurt each other when being confined into small cages. Dairy cows in those factories are going through painful amputations of tails and horns without a pain-killer. Piglet tails and testicles are cut off also without pain-killers. These animals are raised into small cages sometimes smaller than their own size. Now domestic animals are referred as products, simply a number not a life form.
In the book ‘’Slaughterhouses’’, by Gail A. Eisnitz, the author interviews a worker of a slaughterhouse named Tommy Vladak. Here you can learn from first-hand how the conditions in slaughterhouses are. Vladak is giving specific facts in detail about how they work and you can see how it is connected with the video.  


  1. Hi my name is Wendy and I just finished reading your blog. I like the way your remind the reader that what we don't see is farms but instead we factories with animals being tortured. You summarize the video good and you give examples from the video how the animals are being treated. What you are missing in your blog is analyizing the video. You need to put more instead of just facts about the video. Thank you

  2. Hello, my name is Adam and I think you did a great job connecting this blog to "Farm to Fridge.” More details should be included on what kind of cruelties occurred in factory farms. I felt that it was a great idea that you added irony/humor to paragraph one. You might want to try to elaborate on what kind of animals that were raised in small cages. Mentioning fewer details from the video and giving more information on an idea would help the reader as well. As a whole, you did a great job in summarizing the video.
